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AAPA 2024

Houston - May 18-22, 2024

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Event color key:  LBGT PA Caucus events General events - Suggested CME


Where Details


MAY 17
8:15A-6:30P HOD meeting Where AAPA policy is made  
1:00-7:00P Registration  Pick up your nametag in advance  
6:30-7:30P Student Academy BOD meeting    
 SATURDAY   MAY 18      
8:00A-3:00P HOD meeting Where AAPA policy is made
9:15A CME RIA: Empowering Minority Pre-PA Students Through Healthcare Shadowing, a Pathway Program   

Research in Action Session: The PA profession is exponentially growing, yet continues to struggle with diversity. A pathway program was created to provide shadowing and mentoring for minority pre-PA students.

3:30-5:00P Main Stage Space Medicine: Lessons from Beyond Earth
5:00-7:00P Opening Reception & Expo Visit our booth in C.O. Central Park Join us afterward at the Caucus Reception!

7:00 - 9:00P

Welcome Reception & Student Social

Our welcome social & a celebration of our PA students.   Everyone is welcome! Marquis, 2nd level, Montgomery A

Cash bar will be available.

SUNDAY MAY 19      
8:00A-3:00P HOD meeting Where AAPA policy is made  
9:00A-5:00P Expo Visit our booth in C.O. Central Park
11:00A CME RIA: All of Us   Research in Action Session
4:30PM  Students  Meet AAPA Student Board    
6:00-7:30P  Networking  DEI Networking Reception    


Caucus Social

Meet up on-site before we go to our Reception

Marquis, 2nd level, Montgomery A
7:30-9:30P Caucus Health Equity Reception Celebrate the accomplishments of the Caucus as we come together for LGBT health equity.

Lightnin's Good Times  (map)

Buy your tickets here



CME Transgender Health: How to Provide Culturally Competent Care to Patients Undergoing Gender Affirming Surgery

This session will focus on patients who have undergone gender affirming surgery and special considerations when providing, culturally competent, comprehensive, patient-centered care.

10:30A-3:00P Expo Visit our booth in C.O. Central Park    
10:45A-12:00P AAPA Elections AAPA Board of Directors: Meet the Candidates   
 1:00P CME Achieving Health Equity: Addressing Provider Bias and the PA Workforce Diversity Gap   This session engages attendees in case scenarios that consider patient and provider diversity in PA practice and underscore the need for practices and training that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in PA education. Real-life case discussions will be used to present a balanced view of bias in the profession and suggest actionable tools for personal and systemic improvement.
2:15P CME   Healthcare of Gay Men, MSM & People Who Engage in Anal Sex
The faculty will present practical, comprehensive primary care management specific to patients engaging in anal sex
4:00-7:00P Students National Medical Challenge Bowl

Teams from all over the country will go head to head to test their clinical knowledge in this game show just for PA students.


Caucus  Social

Come say hi to friends old and new!

Marquis, 2nd level, Montgomery A


 PA Night Out   (AAPA)

 Stampede Houston Shuttle to and from the event and all hotels in the official AAPA hotel block. Dinner and 1 drink ticket will be provided.
TUESDAY  MAY 21      
8:00A CME Reproductive Justice in Marginalized Communities in the Post-Dobbs Era This presentation will consider the ways in which marginalized people are affected by the Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson decision (2022), as well as how barriers to care have affected these communities historically. It will address current federal law, trends in current state laws concerning abortion services, and contraception. Finally, the faculty will present information about ways in which clinicians can provide abortion and contraceptive services within the current legal and political framework.
9:15A CME RIA: An Analysis of LGBTQ Curricular Inclusion: A National Study of PA Programs

Research in Action Session: This presentation describes findings from a national study of PA programs and inclusion of LGBTQ content in the preclinical and clinical phases.

9:15A CME The Status of HIV in 2024

This session will provide an update on what every PA needs to know about HIV in 2024. While HIV medicine has evolved significantly over the past 4 decades, over 35,000 HIV infections occur annually in the U.S. The epidemiology continues to change with infections disproportionately affecting southern states, people of color, and sexual and gender minorities.
1:00P  CME  What Have You Been Through? Adjusting Our Lens to Improve Patient Care   Nearly 70% of the population has lived through at least one adverse event in their childhood, and over 15% have lived through 4 or more. Because of the widespread impact of trauma on patients, medical organizations have developed policies to encourage trauma-informed care. By asking, “What have you been through,” PAs can adjust their perspective and provide trauma-informed patient-centered care.
3:30P CME Transgender Medicine's Top 10 from the Literature There is a growing body of evidence supporting transgender and nonbinary (TNB) health that is relevant to clinical practice. This session will help attendees navigate barriers to quality care including unreliable information perpetuated in the media and political dynamics that have a direct influence on PA practice. The speakers will introduce a “Top 10” of current publications from medical literature
7:00-9:00P Caucus Elections & Social

Join us for our elections.

 Marquis,  3rd level, Hunters Creek
Be sure to renew your membership to vote.


CME Transgender and Gender Diverse Patient Care: Translating Principles into Practice This presentation will explain TGD-specific terminology, concepts, practice recommendations, unique health challenges, and statistics for the practicing PA seeking to better serve this diverse community.
11:45A CME  Houston, We Have a Syphilis Problem: Shedding Light on a Silent Epidemic   The purpose of this presentation is to provide the most up-to-date recommendations for diagnosing and treating syphilis. The goal is to reverse these concerning trends of increasing rates and effectively prevent the potential long-term sequela of disease.
Would you consider making a donation to the Caucus, to allow us to continue our mission of health equality for LGBT PAs, PA students, and especially our patients!


Caucus GroupMe conversation

Join the Caucus GROUP ME chat group and connect with other members @ AAPA 2024. 

Download the mobile app or log-in through the website. Works on any device.

Here's a look back at highlights from AAPA 2023 Nashville: 



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