National LGBT Health Awareness Week
Free Event Series
Please consider donating to the LBGT PA Caucus to support our efforts to provide high quality CME programming for the PA profession.

Tuesday, March 21st
8:00 - 9:00 PM
Debb Dunn, PA-C presents Physical Exam Pearls for Trans Care
1) Participants will learn how to perform history and physicals for the Transgender/ Non-binary child and adult.
2) Participants will learn how to do sexual history taking, and exams.
3) Participants will learn how to do physicals to detect and do testing for HPV, other STIs.
4) Participants will learn about preventive care for the Transgender adult.
Wednesday, March 22nd
8:00-9:00PM EST
Wren George and Holden Camp present Let's Talk About Sex: A student-led discussion regarding the importance of considering sex and gender minorities in patient presentations
1) Participants will learn the importance of considering non-cisgender patients as it relates to creating a differential diagnosis.
2) Participants will observe and practice taking an inclusive sexual history.
3) Participants will understand situations where it is appropriate and necessary to ask about a person’s sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and sexual history.
4) Participants will review sexual orientation and gender identity data (SOGI) and why collecting it is helpful in their future practice.

Thursday, March 23rd
8:00-9:00PM EST
Jonathan Baker, PA-C presents PrEP for Primary Care Providers
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
1) Identify risk factors for HIV among their patients
2) Become familiar with prescribed HIV prevention methods including all available PrEP options
3) Reference current guidelines for the use of ARVs as prevention
4) Discuss how medical HIV prevention can be tailored as part of patient-centered care
Updated on 3/9/2023 10:00PM: All 3 events will now start at 8PM EST. The topics and host for the Wednesday and Thursday events have been swapped to better accommodate the hosts. Thank you for your understanding!
Login details for the sessions will be sent by email upon registration. If you have any questions, please email info@lbgtpa.org.